Friday, June 24, 2022

directionally challenged

One of my most outstanding characteristics is the ability to get lost.  I set out on what should have been an easy trip this afternoon and didn't follow what the GPS said.  My bad.  We were headed to a spot about four miles past Four Points and ended up driving the backroads to Halls.  Now I ain't too proud to beg, so I stopped and asked some old boy how to get to Highway 51 where I could get my bearings.  "Right behind them trees" he said.  While we were lost in the boonies we came to a RR crossing and had to stop for the longest train I have ever seen.  It went on and on and on....long enough for me to get out and smoke and then some.  All's well that ends well and we finally ended up on Poplar Grove Road after backtracking from Halls.  Lerd.

Though I am not surprised I'm really pissed that SCOTUS did what they did with abortion rights.  It was a monkey on their back so they just pitched it to the states to individually way what is legal.  A handful of states have preserved reproductive health options but most of them are lined up to "protect life" beginning with conception.  That means if you are raped by your cousin'n'them you are forced to carry that child to term.  I do not believe in late term abortion, but in the power to choose before the fetus is viable.  Life begins at birth not when two cells bump into each other.  This is, and always has been, my firm conviction.  What this ruling means is that we will be pouring participants into the poverty pool and further stretch the debt.  Who's gonna' take care of these kids when a 13 year old gets knocked up because nobody told her about birth control.  It's a happy day for the "righteous" and a sad day for America coupled with the gun safety issue.  And DJT is the one who stacked the court that way.  Each of them during their confirmation hearings that they would not overturn Roe v Wade and they lied.  I expect a lot of civil unrest which is brewing just under the surface. Americans are tired of the government telling them what they can and cannot do regarding personal decision making.  When I was in college I took advantage of the contraceptive services available from Planned Parenthood which kept me from getting pregnant before I finished my degree.  For the life of me I can't fathom a mind that thinks AR15s are a right but not a woman's choice about her body.  It is a separation of church and state issue to me.  That's in the constitution too, ya' know.  I think season 5 of Handmaid's Tale is coming out just in time to remind what Gilead will be like.  I'm not as tough as those girls.  I'd kill myself if I had to go through all that sick business. Yesterday a woman was raped at a loan office one mile from my house.  I imagine she was working alone at the time and this guy maced her and did the deed.  What about that kind of stuff?  If she gets pregnant should she have to bear a child fathered by a known sex offender?  I'll stop now before my pressure goes out the roof.  

Joy and I made memories today in the oddest of ways. We love riding around and laughing at the predicaments we get into.  We have come full circle from our days working together at Parkview hospital she as a social worker and me as an MT.  That's karma in a good way.  She failed to tell me about her car running over her in the parking lot and a friend mentioned it.  I asked her about it and she remembered it well!  Sounds like something I would do.

I think I'm having asthma problems from all the dust.  They bush hogged around my back yard today and the tractors are flinging dust ever which a way out here.  Note to self:  Change AC filter soon.

If you like the heat, you're in luck so enjoy.  As for me I'll be either in a pool or in the house unless a breeze blows through for deck sitting.  Y'all keep on believing in the next right thing and do it.  It's that simple.  Keep the faith ^j^

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