Thursday, December 30, 2021

square one

My coach told me to start small.  As a seasoned blogger I thought I knew a lot about writing, so I submitted my piece about the farm to a local mag.  In retrospect, I think it was mostly a favor from a friend that made that happen.  Here's the thing with writing:  If you have advertisers you have to publish things that your audience is interested in and that piece was about agriculture.  I have another great story idea about the revitalization of South Mill Ave in Dyersburg.  That stretches all the way back to before Chris had moved his business down there and there was nothing but Penningtons. At the time I was in conversation with John Ruskey and Jim Stark who were planning an expedition on the Forked Deer river to show locals how bad the trash was.  Ruskey spent the night in a tent on my front yard with that big ass canoe and I fed him steak.  As I remember, he bought peaches at the Farmer's Market down by the river.  There was no room for me in the canoe since it was all filled with dignitaries and whatnot but I followed them to the end until they floated under the first of the double bridges.  Yeah, that was me hanging over the edge only I wasn't thinking about jumping.  Seriously.  Besides, it's not very tall.  

I will find my place eventually.  I found a stink bug on my desk this morning and of course had to Google the totem.  Mostly it was about becoming resilient and learning to watch out for your surroundings.  I know better than to squish one so I just flicked him off.  I went to the funeral home (again) and saw lots of old friends this morning.  Me and Joy had an outing today and I got all my trash hauled off.  She just loves the wide open spaces here.  And Oscar.  

Say it like you mean it and keep the faith ^j^

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