Sunday, September 8, 2024

(im)perect timing

I got up this morning with all intentions of attending Sunday school and church.  Roellen had other plans for me.   I let her out early to roam the yard and noticed that she didn't come back in a few minutes.  When I went outside to investigate I found her across the road in the soybean field with a dog that lives 2 miles down the road, running and playing.  She had not been fed yet so I took the food bowl on the porch and shook it.  Both dogs came running.  Lerd.  I finally got her on the leash with other dog trying to knock me down and drawing blood.  Then Roe got off the leash dropping me on the steps.  Ouch!  Finally I managed to get her inside and other dog went away.  I don't have the owner's phone number or I would have called him to come get whatever its' name is.  

Somewhere during that struggle my bag came loose and leaked all over me.  By this time I was bleeding, stinky and disgusted.  I texted some of my SS peeps to let them know I am indeed alive and haven't left the church!  There were assurances of prayers going up for me.  I had settled down to watch the service online when I heard the lawnmower roar.  Now, I have not had a mow in a month so I was not about to tell Lee I was "having church."  He was pleasantly surprised that the grass was not thick and just a bunch of weeds.  He dragged several HUGE pecan limbs over to the edge for Ryan to pick up when he's off work at the steel mill.  Bring a chainsaw dear.

My left ear has been off and on infected for months and I've been giving it the peroxide and alcohol treatment.  This morning the eye on that side was draining and puffy. Back to the doctor I go, probably on my birthday.  In addition to all that, I have jury duty with a possible trial on Thursday.  I can just see me explaining to the judge that I was absent because the dog ate my homework.

In spite of all this mayhem, I am grateful.  The washer is running and the dryer now works.  My wounds will heal.  And God is good.  All the time ^j^

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