Wednesday, August 28, 2024

hot damn

I don't know about y'all but I am OVER this heat. The only saving grace is that there is low humidity because it hasn't rained in a long time.  It's kind of like desert heat I reckon.  However, it is August.  September is right around the corner which is a big month for birthdays in my family.  Mine is on the 9th, Reaves on the 21st and LP on the 22nd.  There is a story there but I'll save it for later.  You probably already heard about the labor from hell that resulted in a baby on the eve of Lauren's birthday in 2017.  Dat baby will be 7 soon and she will get a cute as hell unicorn bike helmet from Gaga.

One more day of extreme heat before some relief. If the weather guys know their stuff there should be rain this weekend.  I miscalculated and told Ryan to skip me on the last mow.  It's not too bad but patches grow tall.  For the first time ever, my yard is taller than Joey's farm lot.  

Roellen's rescuers are hooking me up before her arrival on Friday.  Ann came by with a dog house and food plus a pink leash.  Shari is taking her for a spay and shots tomorrow.  She has a bed for her.  I had lunch with the Dyersburg buddies today.   I think next time I'll get a grilled chicken salad.  Timbers uses green and not iceberg lettuce.  That was following my first interview of this time period with a local attorney.  Fascinating visit!

Y'all stay cool and safe from the severe weather.  It's been so hot that some thunderstorms or tornados are bound to be on the heels of front.  I learned that from my brother the weatherguy.  Carry on with faith and hope ^j^

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