Saturday, August 31, 2024

grounded again

Per my usual luck, my car is dead and has a flat tire on a holiday weekend when nobody is working.  This happened yesterday when I got out of the car and got a low tire message and THEN noticed that the brake lights were staying on.  Again.  By this morning it was dead as a doornail and the tire was flat.  Do y'all see that little black cloud following me?!  But I am grateful that my brother has a battery charger.  I needed this holiday weekend to work with Roellen on potty skills.  She is a rescue and had a fenced yard at her foster's home so being out here is a whole different ball game.  She loves being outside but there is traffic which she is not used to.  Or maybe so.  She was rescued at a convenience store on a busy highway, pregnant as a goose.  I am trying not to let her out of my sight in the house.  We haven't found her "spot" yet here in my yard but that will come.  

Meanwhile, Rosie is parked on the steps up next to the attic waiting for a chance to escape.  I guess she will come down when she gets hungry enough.  New dog plus old cat equals trouble.  I had a whole list of things to do today but, no.  Here I sit typing away.  My therapy, if you will.  

Normally my birthday falls during the week of the Dyer County Fair but not this year.  It's on the Monday after.  Most of my childhood birthday memories are of spending it at the fair with my parents who worked it every year.  Mom was Vernon Henson's right-hand gal and Daddy was on the board of directors.  He would leave late every night to help count money from the gates. 
I worked at the gates for several years when I was a teenager and loved every minute of it.  I would not go now if you paid me!  Mamye said to me yesterday "Janie, let's go to the fair!"  She was kidding of course.  I replied "Let's don't and say we did."

My 41 years at the hospital consisted of working every other holiday on rotating years.   If you got the holiday off you usually worked the weekend before if it was a Monday thing like Labor Day or Memorial Day.  Never ever the eves plus the day for Christmas and New Year's Day.  It was a way of life for us in the healthcare field.  Same for sick self or sick kids.  We had to show up.  Ice and snow?  You better be there.  

Roe is sitting by the front door watching four wheelers whiz by.  I have her on a pretty strict schedule with food and potty breaks on a leash.  I tried letting her "find her own spot" without me and she ended up across the road in the bean field and ditches.  Live and learn.  Oscar was so easy that he knew his way home from any point on this farm.  This girl will have to learn the lay of the land at her forever home.  

Y'all don't overcook your grilled food or get too wild this holiday weekend.  And as always, keep the faith ^j^

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