Saturday, August 24, 2024


We have had some very mild days for August but are heading into a week of brutal temps.  Hopefully, that will be the last of it.  The Farmer's Market has returned to the downtown home and it was quite pleasant there this morning as I wandered.  They have been at the fairgrounds all summer where it was hot, crowded and had a steep access hill.  The vendors were all happy to be back by the river.  I bought some gifts and some dog treats for Roe who will be coming soon to live with me and Rosie.  She has never "lived" in a house so there will be some training in my future.  She is such a good dog I don't think it will be a problem.  

I had a low dose CT of the chest yesterday and the results were sort of what I expected except for some pesky news of arteries with plaque.  I follow up with the doctor in September and will consult with him on what to do next.  The older I get, the more my body is catching up with me.  I haven't had any joints replaced which is surprising *knock on wood* but the other parts are wearing out.

I have watched bits and pieces of the DNC and I'm really impressed with the breath of fresh air that is Harris/Walz.  After months of worrying that Trump would have his way I now have hope.  The trolls don't agree with me but whatever.  RFK Jr. the conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer has pulled out of the race and jumped on the Trump wagon bringing the few votes that he had with him.  His family has denounced him and are, quite frankly, bewildered.  His daddy and uncle are shaking their heads in heaven.  When a candidate's own family doesn't support them, that says a lot.  His main talking point is "healthy children" yet he and DJT want to dismantle all the federal healthcare agencies like the NIH, FDA and others that keep us safe.  Kennedy is eyeing a spot in the Trump cabinet.  I heard that he approached Harris with that deal and she said no.  Good for her.

Football season is here which makes a lot of folks very happy.  I could care less, unlike my parents who were big time Vols.  I have many friends that I know not to call during a UT game.  Local rivals DHS and DCHS met last night but I don't know the outcome.  

I can still hear the horseflies hitting the windows like crazy and the cicadas are wailing for all they're worth.  It's late summer when everything dies that is not watered and I'm not about to go out in the heat to do it.  My days are full with working, doing errands and keeping the faith.  I had forgotten that I sent a memorial to the church for my old friend until I got a thank you note from her daughter today.  Mama taught her well.

I am a stringer for the local paper working mostly on the yearly women's magazine that spotlights ladies who have found their paths and passions and done something great.  They are all shapes and sizes and their callings are different.  Being around strong women lifts me up.  

Grammarly wants me to write with generative AI but I'm not quite ready for that.  That would twist my words and thoughts a bit and I like them the way they are....plain and simple.  So I leave you with this thought.  Remember who you are and keep the faith ^j^

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