Sunday, August 18, 2024

accidents happen

That is what the police officer said when he responded to my 311 call from the Kroger parking lot.  I've been gone for a week and needed to stock up so I did what I hate and went grocery shopping.  As I was pulling out of the parking space I misjudged the distance from my front right to the trailer hitch on the adjacent car.   The guy in the Yukon was very gracious about being detained while I filled out an accident report.  In the heat.  With over a hundred bucks worth of groceries.  *sigh*  I should have gone to church!

Lauren was diagnosed with MS within the past year and a scan last week showed new lesions.  She set up a GoFundMe which is shared on my FB page so if you feel so inclined please donate.  Every little bit helps.  She is carless because of a hit and run accident and trying desperately to find a job on her bus route that works with her current health situation. She has been on meds by mouth for the MS but will now have to do injections because it is progressing.  My girl is only 40 years old and trying to be a good mom while struggling with all of this.  Please pray also ^j^

I haven't had trolls in a long time but recently one of my "friends" has been hanging around poking me when I post.  Yes, he is a Trumpster.  I don't go for the bait anymore, choosing instead to let my silence speak and my posse does the patrolling.  

The heat wave returned after a few very nice days for August.  A cold front is trying to pass through and things should cool down in the next couple of days.  Thank goodness I put a bunch of money on the pre-pay utility bill.  I do so hate to sweat.

The talking point for the GOP  seems to be "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"  In some ways yes and in many ways no.  Comparing prices from the pandemic years to today is ludicrous in my opinion.  Women, in general, are worse off because of the repeal of Roe v Wade.  To deny abortion to those who have complications from pregnancy that threaten the life of a woman is way over the line.  Ditto for rape and incest.  I lost all respect for SCOTUS on that one.  JD Vance is creepy as hell and so is Trump.  He has been impeached TWICE  and caused all sorts of civil disobedience during the past 8 years.  The party of "faith and values" has stomped on our rights and allowed the gun industry to produce a killing machine for the masses.

I noticed that the police officer has his blood type right on the front of his uniform which is pretty cool.  You never know when some lunatic will go off and get violent.  He didn't seem too impressed with my knowledge when I told him he could get either A neg or O neg.  Once a blood banker, always a blood banker.

Y'all stay cool and keep the faith.

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