Now Texas is on fire and I'm sure the Republicans are blaming Biden and the immigrants. In my honest opinion it is just another tragedy caused by global warming. Yes, it is real. And yes, we are in big trouble because nobody listened when there was a chance to turn it around. Al Gore's book "An Inconvenient Truth" was written many years ago and still applies to what we are seeing. Floods, fires, natural disasters of all kinds. God gave us this earth to preserve and enjoy and we have almost literally destroyed it. How sad.
Now onto the guns. Y'all know how I feel about all that. I believe in the right to carry for self protection which does NOT include long guns like the one used at Joel O'Steen's church which was purchased legally. In Texas, of course. Why? I keep asking myself over and over again why these guns are available. There is no use for them except for law enforcement or military action. NONE. Except for committing mass murder. Put yourself in the shoes of parents whose kids have been slaughtered at school or other public places. We assume them to be safe yet here comes another nutcase hearing voices aiming a repeating weapon at innocent people. Enough is enough. We don't want to take your guns away, just hold you accountable by doing background checks, requiring proper training, and licensing. That ain't much to ask.
I miss my kids badly. There is a part of me that wants to move to Jackson just so I can see them on a regular basis. I love country life as well. Lizzie will be graduating from kindergarten this spring and going into "real school." She is smart as a whip and very artistic. Loves to dance and jump and run. Confused as hell about her family situation.
We had some fierce scary wind these past few days and a huge thunderstorm during the night which woke me up. They never scare me for some reason. Actually I see God in things like that and am in awe of how powerful the weather can be. Following a high of almost 80 yesterday it's in the 40s again. Typical West Tennessee.
Y'all be humble and grateful and remember from whence you came ^j^