Saturday, March 19, 2022

on being four

When you are that age, everything is magical and anything is possible.  Reaves was a whiny but for a bit because she was sleepy but after awhile she rallied and we cuddled on the couch for a hot minute...all four of us (including Oscar).  We went out to pick buttercups an wandered across the road to see what James was cooking.  Turned out it was paper.  His relative was there and we got introduced.  Then we meandered back and picked more of Daddy's buttercups.  I can't describe the joy of seeing that full circle come to life.

It's still coolish and windy but Reaves convinced me that spring is here because that's when flowers come.  The lettuce and herbs I planted are still alive so there's that.  If the wind doesn't whip them to death I think I have the beginnings of a crop.  I'm not real familiar with what is planted here because all of the bushes are gone and Daddy's handiwork will pop up at the oddest places.  That's why you walk the yard.

They were looking at some pictures I've got hung up with clothespins and most of those folks are gone from this earth.  "Where are they" asked Reaves.  Mama told her heaven but little bit said she misses and wants to see them.  We all will someday, Doodle Bug.  She wandered over to a little wooden church that a SS class made for my parents.  It has a real door and is signed on the bottom by everyone there.  Reaves opened the door to see what was in.  "It's Jesus!"  She said he was all up in that place.

I splurged and got LP and me new bras and they are way nice.  No more wires for me.  When the money allows, I will get more.  Thirty two bucks for a good bra is a steal.  Those five buck ones from the 'gentral don't do the girls any justice OR support.  

I could whine, but I won't.  Peace be still ^j^

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