Thursday, March 17, 2022

another piece of the puzzle

As I have mentioned before I'm pretty curious about why my kidney function declined so quickly.  On my last visit to the GP he referred me to a local urologist after I told him about the urology report from my surgery.  Evidently I needed a follow up procedure but I was too sick and had to ask people for rides to Memphis.  Yesterday I talked to an old co-worker who is a retired urologist and explained the situation to him asking for possible scenarios.  He knew exactly what I was talking about, providing me with valuable knowledge to carry to my next appointment.  I love it when that happens!

I have today off and went to the "crack store" aka Pennington's and bought things that will survive in pots until after the last chance of frost.  There were already tomatoes there but I know better.   Not until May for me.  I did get some romaine lettuce which will survive in the box right now, hopefully.   As Stanley told me at the store "patience is a virtue" when it comes to gardening.  Or anything else for that matter.  

I also went by my old house to pick some buttercups there because they are not being enjoyed by anybody up on that hill.  I'll leave the ones in my yard here for eye candy.  They were all planted by my Daddy years ago.  I try really hard, but I don't have the stamina I used to have in the garden.  It's hard work and I'm out of shape carrying around a "normal" BP which feels like walking through quicksand.  

I ordered a set of good sharp knives by Cuisinart and they came yesterday.  Lo and behold, I cut off the tip of one of my fingers peeling potatoes!  I can't be trusted with sharp things and I'm studying on the cooking shows how to properly chop without causing bodily damage.  

Here's wishing you all the luck of the Irish!  Peace and love ^j^

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