Thursday, July 8, 2021

smoke from a distant fire

That's what we've been seeing around the entire US as we sweat our way to another cold front.  I hope all you  pyros who fail to respect climate change will think twice before tossing a cig onto dry grass.  Especially in the woods.  That's what plastic water bottles are for, stupid.  God said it would be by fire but who knows it could be by water or plague or whatever.  I don't believe he is happy with us right now but that's just the Old Testament coming out in me.  

I went to church twice this week and was blessed both times.  I have really strong ties with the Cumberland Presbyterians because we have similar beliefs.  I ran into my old friend Annetta and a few others....Lord have mercy.  My friend John did the eulogy and did it well.  I would have totally cracked.  He is a bear of a man, complete with beard now.  My fondest memories are of when the FUMC choir and their choir did concerts together.  That was something my daddy and I shared.

It seems sad to me that it takes something like  somebody dying to get folks together.  I am familiar with funeral practice because one of my best friends is a director.  My parents were dead set on one provider and I had to let mama know that I couldn't bear it without my KK.  I ran by her office yesterday and had a nice Stella session.  She knows to sit on the bench with me and settle in.  

We went out to lunch today at a famous little diner.  It was there  that I saw my old friend and co-worker Kristy and the middle Riley brother.  He came right over and sat with us and we laughed and laughed.  Though it was fish day, we had cheeseburgers and fries to die for.  She saved the last little bite for Pearl. 

There was this woman in front of me who had a beautiful voice and she inspired me to sing my alto just a little bit louder.  It's been a long time since I have heard that many voices together.

Lord bless us all ^j^

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