Let us all hold hands and pray for those who are affected by an inconvenient early spring rain and snow event. This farm out here is surrounded by the Forked Deer river which runs all around West tn from north to south. Then there's the lake up there close to the big muddy close to Reelfoot. 1812. It's a real thing! That lake is home to many fish houses and lotso wetland. I would love to see the swampy part with a good guide.
One of the signature things at Reelfoot is the cypress stumps. The handrail to my attic is made of those, but from here. I have never NOT called this cabin home. Even when I ran away to college or moved up on the hill, this place is where we grew up. And we live here now, once again. My dear friend Patti died yesterday and I had the big ugly cry for quite some time. We are sooo much alike.
I had a kind of snippy experience with a practitioner yesterday where I started spilling my guts and cute ass girl told me on the way out "Everybody's got something." I don't know what hers is but prayers are up. I know dear. You are young and traveling to work and whatnot. So are the old folks. I saw quite a few being brought in by caregivers. LP sat in the car the whole time. Much more comfy that the waiting room ;) I was in and out within 2 hours and I will take that and praise God. Life happens one miracle at a time.
My faith helps me to believe that there is something better than a state controlled media and whatnot. But it happened before and it can happen again if everybody just says WTF and lays down. I will not, by any means. I know what's going on in the world right now from the few news agencies who are allowed to post. Gulf of Mexico? Hell yes.
I can't really expect any sort of miracle at any time. They happen in the most subtle of ways. Sometimes you don't even realize it until way later....that something you saw as a tragedy can turn into something better. At least that's my experience. I almost died twice from abcessed diverticulitis. Once was on a 2am run to the ER for what I knew was going on, only to be told by a doc there that I didn't have that because my WBC was normal. When he failed to order a CT I should have pitched a fit in pain right then and there. Only I was already getting septic and didn't know it. "No scan for you!" said the ER nazi. The rest is history. Oh..and
the reason that I almost died that first time was driving over the hill like a bat out of hell on loose gravel.
I could see the ditchbank facing me and said to myself "Oh Lord, this is it." I wasn't really scared but instead grabbed that wheel and got us back on the road. I don't remember the ride home. I reckon God got me there. Ten days later, it all got real. But enough about that. Today's top story is the weather.
We got some snow last night and it's pretty dang cold at the moment. Thanks be to Baker Gas and Oil for keeping us warm out here at the cabin. These guys deliver come rain or snow or shine and always take time to chat. I don't think Adam will be chatting with us today but if he does, we will offer him something warm to drink. One time Butch delivered to us on the hill on Christmas Eve. In the snow!
These are the kind of people that you realize, much later on, are miracles in your life. I owe everybody and their brother but I am making amends by going to them face to face to explain where I'm at on upcoming payments. I broke down and cried with one of my creditors which is not like me. I think I had just had enough of life at the moment and he was the lucky one to have me for a little cryfest. What made it so special is that he never wavered and did not scold. He heard me.
Car settlement process is slowly happening. We still have a rental but ain't nobody going anywhere. Maybe tomorrow. When we receive the money, which will be a hot minute, we have to find another vehicle that is in the budget. LP and I have had two cars donated to us in our lifetimes. One was a snazzy old Caddy from my friend John Yarbro. The other was one that Lauren inherited from a friend in Jackson. Lots of love in both of those actions. If you can't get around, you can't work. I took Mama and Daddy to church many a time in old that old Caddy. It's what Zubrovka wanted for them.
We have milk and bread and TP so we are more fortunate than many. And I think that the backwater has stabilized. Somebody is shooting at blackbirds out there right now which is fine with me. It allows the pretty birds to feed without being hated on.