A friend of mine has been unusually vocal about politics lately and said today that he is giving up the rant for Lent. Me too Tony. It does nothing but raise my BP when things are totally out of my control. It changes every day so keeping informed is important but bitching about it is fruitless. God is in control and I do not believe He is happy right now with the good old USA.
I am so grateful right now to have Lauren here with me to help with things. She can see and I cannot, very well. She got me some new readers at the 'gentral because I lost my good ones but I think I need to revisit the eye doctor for something stronger.
The Lenten season is a time for reflection on the things that keep us from God and our faith in Him. I did the ashing with sage yesterday afternoon but didn't go anywhere. That was just between me and Jesus.
Y'all stay happy and healthy and safe. Please be kind ^j^
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