Thursday, February 27, 2025


We all seem to lack that at some point.  I am as guilty as anybody wanting things right damn now.  When you have no way to get from point A to point B it can be frustrating.  Bubba and I test drove a nice car yesterday and took it to Les and his crew at Lake Road.  About the time we pulled up, it started making a strange noise.  The ride from Newbern to Dyersburg was flawless.  It drove well and was in great shape.  Dude offered 1K off the price to fix it only we don't know what that is other than "something" going out.  We passed.  A friend of his goes to auctions all the time and is actively looking for what we want, which is a Toyota.  Until I bought the cursed Ford, I had driven Camrys since the year Lauren was born in 1984.  My parents bought, and wrecked, several Toyotas.  They are reliable IMHO.  

Anywho, we have been blessed with friends and neighbors to get to where we need to be.  I have cancelled a lot of appointments because of lack of transportation so that is my number one goal after finding a vehicle.  Dentist, GP, nephrologist and cardiologist name a few.  

The stray Siamese somehow got into the house last night and sprayed (again) in the bathroom.  Doors shall remain closed now except to let Rosie in and out.  It was just so dang NICE yesterday!  I spent a lot of time on the porch which is where I am headed right now.  Y'all take advantage and enjoy.  And always keep the faith ^j^

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