Tuesday, February 25, 2025

the puzzle

When you have no way to go, it can be frustrating.  You depend on others to get you to where you need to be.  We have been fortunate in that respect.  Friends and neighbors have helped with getting us from here to there.  I don't go much of anywhere but I did eat a shit ton of fried food at the CBG annual lunch.. I watched farmer after farmer fill their pans with mudpuppies and eat 'em like caviar.  As for our table, we ate fish and the trimmings.  We had a mixed table of Samaria Bend folks plus a couple of other crawfish eaters.  They save the pans ya know?

Great weather here!  The snow is gone and it's hovering in the 50s at night.   The birds are all happy when the crows aren't making noise.  So annoying.  They have picked the fields clean of every bit of last year and still at it.  In the morning though, those little wild birds wake me up and sing.  My great grandmother Ethel had parakeets and whatnot in her house on Pate.  When I was a kid I was amazed at how she managed to keep the wires clean.  Caged birds, if you will. She would take them to the Methodist church for the Easter sunrise service. Lent is a sacred time for me and mine.  I pray it is for you as well.

Tomorrow's  agemda includes a ride for grocery pickup and to get Lauren to and from work.  It will happen if it is meant to be. At this point, I don't even care.  It is what it is.

Y'all stay faithful and true ^j^ 

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