Lent these days always reminds me of Brother John Kilzer and brother John Fisher. Well actually, all of the ministers that have been a part of my life. The first ones I remember are Hank Russell and Reginald Mallet. There were many others like Cecil and Dell and David and what's his name. Dude died on the golf course. Back in the day our youth minister decided to go into seminary. He laid a very well thought out plan to the council of parents and then went on his way. When the council convened, the plan was not available. Nada. Locked up.
That was when Lauren's group began to wander through the desert. They are a big class of about 30 and they made many a SS teacher walk out. Not me. We went to the cemetery one Easter Sunday and talked about life and death. We parked the church van right by my family's plot and had a sit down. One other time, I took an actual unit of blood from work just to teach about how it saves lives. HIPPA forgive me. No kid was harmed by this event ;) Hopefully some of them learned something.
Y'all keep the faith. And walk against the wind ^j^
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