Wednesday, February 26, 2025

doge me

Can y'all ever remember a time when things were so uncertain in this country?  Oh yeah.  There was that time we all moved to America as immigrants from Europe and whatnot.  My family is a blend of Stafford from England and Agee from France.  I know this because my parents did their homework and kept the history alive.  There are crumpled paper documents somewhere that prove it.  Daddy searched for his missing grandfather Joe Stafford until the day he died.  Joe just took off and run, as I understand it.

It's a HUGE basketball night in West TN and I am rooting for my favorite player Lizzie.   This young woman is amazing in more ways than one.  I have watched she and her brother Thomas grow up in our church.  Her entire family has served in one way or another as part of the ministry of DFUMC.  It's what Jesus would do.

What about this weather y'all?!  The doors are wide open here and the central unit is off.  It's warm enough to not wear a sweater and sit in the sun like a turtle on a log.  Enjoy because it will soon be hot as hades.

Love ya' like chicken ^j^

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