I watched a video this morning featuring the people who are in prison in the state of Oregon. They have the opportunity, unlike in many states, to get paid for working inside of the facility to earn money or points for perks. Many of them are putting their wages back for starting a new life after release. It keeps them going and adds to the economy of our country by 1000%. I also watched a piece about how Chintatowns all over America are dealing with the tariffs and how that affects their businesses and communities. The same can be said for other countries hit by the extreme tariffs. This will trickle down within a few weeks to we the people of the USA.
As for me, I will doctor my stoma according to what seems to be a blockage in the works. Drink more water and keep changing bags. Thankfully I have a new supply but only one belt that was soiled and is now drying on the box fan. I will order more now that I have a bit of money. I tried to do that with my usual supplier but was told that the shipment would be held up because of that "new" item. Girl, please.
I see my PCP in the morning and I have lots of questions. Like "
why is my left ear hurting like a mofo?" What is my creatinine and GFR? Last month they were stable but you never know. What I want is a PCP who will monitor me and not send me out to 10 specialists with a 30 dollar co-pay. I have canceled several because I didn't have the money. I don't think these PCPs exist anymore because, well you know. They don't want to take responsibility for something that can be construed as not covering their asses.
My sin of the day is envy of those folks who can just hop in their car and go to their places and afford to eat out once a week. But I am working on that during this season. Sorry this has not been an inspirational post. I'm not feeling it right now but there is always tomorrow. I haven't seen Reaves in about five months. Lauren is with her now and I'm glad but I sure could use a hug from dat' baby. Just saying ^j^
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