Wednesday, April 18, 2012


One of the things that strikes me the most about being older is that I can usually adopt a "been there done that" attitude when life throws big curveballs my way. You think you're a badass bill collector? Hah..I've been reduced to tears and beers had your kind for breakfast. And then had your partners for lunch. You can't get blood from a turnip. The worst that any creditor could do is haul me into court over some measly amount that would cost lots in legal fees to recover. Which has happened, by the way. As I've said before, I intend to pay the people who honestly trusted in me as a person when corporate America could have cared less. A chapter 7 BK done the easier way almost 20 years ago was pure plastic...and nothing but. I look at that period as the beginning of the end of "life as we knew it." I didn't realize until many years later how many people took a whipping in the trading crisis of the 80's. Trickle down and all that. I may be slow, but eventually I see the big picture.

My friend's husband was admitted yesterday with a very serious illness and transported to a larger facility today. She has such a fragile soul, I just figured that I was SUPPOSED to be the one that Big Ernie called on today. I was her wing man, fielding phone calls while she worried over his return from surgery. We got the troops rounded up and everybody is praying for a healthy recovery for Mark. I'm kind of used to that role now what with running interference for my mama up there for two weeks. She's at the rehab with a swollen knee while I wait for a return call from her doctor. I just love healthcare today! It makes me very sad to see the GOP tear apart Obama's health plan which was originally pitched by one of their very damn own! Nobody has ever done it, and it will be hard to implement because there's so much money on the table. Philosophies like hospice and palliative care are not practiced for many reasons, mostly tied to reimbursement. If the big bucks were taken out of the equation? I doubt there would be many of today's doctors left. Or pharmacy companies. Or insurance execs.

The dog food bill around here has doubled as in feed for three extra growing dogs. I draw the line with letting them inside though. Our three house babies are too spoiled to put up with that. They're having fun out there romping in the new grass's a great time to be a puppy in the spring. It's warming up again following our early blackberry winter. Yesterday afternoon I played in the dirt on my kitchen table, going through the gift seeds and burying them, knowing that at least some of them will survive. That's just farming.

My older and wiser friend has a beach trip planned but when I asked about it today she said she just didn't know about going. Too much sadness. I know exactly how she feels because it's really tough to be multiple hours from home when somebody needs you. And yet? Sometimes that is what we have to do to maintain sanity and be the best person possible. When the body screams out for rest and the soul as well, it's time to disconnect. See step one of the top twelve.


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