Wednesday, October 5, 2022

plan ahead

I have ordered several things online this past week and they have my money but I don't have my stuff.  I understand the global crisis with shipping but um....I the AM have car problems and whatnot.  Devil, get thee away!  I figured out that one of my fobs is dead and that explains why the driver's door beeps without the key.  However, the tail lights are on which probably means a faulty latch on the hatch.  As we say in the south, "how nice."  I'll be headed to Lake Road Amaco in the morning if it starts.  Wish me luck.  That is number one on the list that includes a flu vaccine and cat food.  Said cat is currently curled behind my butt in the chair.  There are bugs flying all over up in here.  I think they are tiny moths.  

Everybody and their mama'n'them are at the beach for one last hurrah to Florida.  I've never been in the fall but that is on my bucket list.  It's quieter then but still warm enough to enjoy the ocean.  God bless the middle portion and Puerto Rico.  Ian was predicted to make landfall in the Tampa area but went south a bit and tore the hell out of that area.  Hopefully all folks have been evacuated from Sanibel and Captiva. Go ahead and blame Biden...I dare you asshat!  I noticed that the price of fuel rose thirty cents today after our POTUS asked for all the oil big wigs not to capitalize on this natural disaster.  Asshats.

I don't hear much about Putin lately except that he is losing the way big time.  Ukraine will never stop trying to become not his territory and I admire that.  Meanwhile, we have a critical election in the balance come November.  I will vote for Jason Martin for governor for reasons otherwise talked about.  Bill Lee is the poster boy for Tennessee good old boys.  He appeals to their farmer side, if you know what I mean.

I kinda sorta talked to Lauren while she was working and Reaves was screaming for attention.  She has become pretty angry lately and we can't figure out exactly why.  She's probably struggling to get through this world like all the rest of us.   Her Mommy Kim has breast cancer and Mama works all the time.  Elizabeth is sugar sweet when she's in a good mood but hell on wheels when she's not.  I love her anyways.

Be careful out there ~ Hill Street Blues 

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