Tuesday, August 9, 2022


I am fascinated by the court system though I couldn't name all of our judges if you held a gun to my head.  Having never been selected for a jury due to one thing or another I have also watched many trials.  Big ones.  In one case I was disqualified because I worked at the hospital and knew all of the practitioners being sued.  Judge Moore said "you are dismissed" and I scurried out the door.  When my car got stolen I attended as a witness on a multi-charge deal with some idiot who ransacked the area on a BICYCLE.  He actually left the bike where my car was parked.  Once I realized it was gone, I asked the IT/Seeecurity guy to look at the tapes and sure enough, there he went right after I got there in the early AM.  The police were called and loaded up the bicycle as "evidence."  

The DPD called about seven that night and told me they had located the vehicle abandoned in the mall and I had to come get it.  Really?  I had no way to get there.  So it went to impound.  It cost me way over a hundred to get it out only to find that there was yet another bicycle and dude's clothes in the back seat.  I drove to DPD  and asked for somebody official to come get the additional "evidence" out of my car.  They were like "what?"

This idiot showed up in his little orange jumpsuit and shackles.  Most of the people approaching the judge were humble but not him.  He postured and stretched in front of Dean Dedmon and the judge proceeded to rip him a new one.  Last I heard he was still in jail and flunked out of work release.  There are some people that you just can't fix.

We have about a lot of percent chance of heavy rain tonight so bring it on.  I'm in and cozy.  I caught a mouse last night in the bathroom and you would have thought I won the MegaMillions. I have those little boogers and their turds.  

Be blessed and faithful.  Please try to see all sides of a situation because if you haven't walked in somebody's shoes,  you can't judge ^j^

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