Thursday, August 25, 2022

divide and conquer

The division that has our country coming apart at the seams keeps getting worse by the day.  Most of it is fueled by partisan politics and religious zealots who want to be in control of everything.  Plus, that blind loyalty to Trump.  I won't belabor that point because I have said how I feel a million times.  What bothers me the most is that so called Christians are not following the WWJD rule.  It's their way or the highway.  I don't have anything against anyone's spiritual beliefs at all, but I am one who became a Christian slowly over the span of a lifetime.  I'm not perfect, nor do I strive to be.  But I study and learn about the Bible each and every day.  Most of my spirituality has been gently nudged by people who have reached out to me in faith and modeled the behavior of Jesus.  I know about the Old Testament but for me, personally, the new part is what's important.  Love thy neighbor.  Take care of the least of these.  

I have watched over the past 48 hours on FB as people bash each other over the student loan repayment deal.  The biggest argument is "I paid mine back, so should you."  And also there's "I never went to college why should I pay for this with my tax dollars?"  I feel your pain folks because I have always resented having my tax dollars used to fund wars that are none of our business.  We cannot save the world....hell we can't even take care of our own country.  Infrastructure is crumbling.  Homelessness is massive.  Hunger is rampant.  Climate change is real.  It's all a hot mess.  

Keep the faith ^j^

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