Thursday, August 2, 2018

highway song

My car, and thus the radio, is ancient and the knobs don't work half the time.  Lauren took it out for errands while I kept Reaves and she changed the station and I never could find Jack FM on the way home.  That's the station where I play "guess the artist."  Last one I identified today was Pat Benatar.  

Reaves was in the kitchen floor crawling up her mama's leg while she cooked her eggs for breakfast.  She sat in her high chair like a big girl and fed herself which is quite messy as we all know.  After that we played but she was obviously tired so we rocked and did half a bottle but she fought it off and played some more.  Eventually she gave it up and fell asleep in lap with the other half.  

Today is election day here and most of the ads on the radio were Republicans sticking knives in each other over a hotly contested GOP primary for governor.  It's all about anti-choice and anti-immigrants in their book.  These folks want to get back to REAL conservatism.  Lerd.

When Lauren got back we visited with Granny Jo and her son Sammy.  Jo is so much like  my  mother it ain't even funny.  I guess she will be the great grandma.  Mamye donated ten bucks for a roll of quarters for Lauren to get the laundry done.  This one poor girl had her electricity cut off and thank goodness it hasn't been blazing hot.  

One of the many things I don't get is the battle over funding Planned Parenthood.  I understand the premise if you are pro-life but NO federal dollars are used to pay for abortions.  However, PP offers a wide array of womens' services including contraception which is a valuable resource for NOT getting pregnant.  

Virginia brother called me on his way to Charlottesville and we got caught up while he was driving which is about all we can manage with his home based business and two little kids.  

Y'all keep 'em straight out there ^j^

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