Friday, June 22, 2018

what a day can bring

When I went to bed last evening at sunset, the phone was turned off charging.  Bubba came by this morning and reminded me that it's 1030 and he couldn't believe I just got up.  We walked the yard looking for what the tree guy needs to do.  When I got woke up enough I found that I had a message from a friend.  This is the guy who has gotten a triple fudge bundt cake (almost) every year.  They're moving to a new place and he found the Christmas plate I asked him to save plus he had a couple of windows he thought I  might like to have.  I headed down there and found the plate already in bubble wrap.  When I saw that window I went into antique geek mode.  They were too big for my car so I rounded up a friend to help me transport.  

Jonathan and I got 'em into the house and then sat on the porch enjoying today's breeze and talking about life.  We went to high school together and have kids the same age.  His wife Sheila and I used to be lab rats back in the day.  Long history, to say the least.  We agreed to disagree on politics.  As for religion, we are of kindred heart.  

I have early grammaw duty tomorrow, picking Lauren up from work and playing with Reaves while she sleeps a minute.  Maybe we can swim again!!  I'll take my suit just in case.  

Let freedom ring.

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