Friday, June 2, 2023

pick your battles

I've been fighting a lot of things lately like constant diarrhea in el baggo but come to find out, that's normal for someone with the gut set up that I have. I just now learned that stool will be liquid with an ileocolostomy so don't fight it with Lomotil...just empty and regroup. Plan when you eat according to availability of the bathroom.  Working is a challenge that requires timing.  I've lost about 25 pounds since my surgery three years ago and none of my clothes fit anymore.  I think this is also normal because the nutrients are not being absorbed.  Sounds like protein shake time! I have very little appetite for real food except in the morning.  

It's not officially summer yet's here, following a brief pause.  No rain in a long time so it's dry as heck.  They bush hogged the farm lot next to me today and dust was everywhere!  Reaves and I talked about my new jobs today and she wants me to bring her a newspaper and a cookie next time I come.  We were going to video chat but something got messed up and I missed it.  She always asks about her cat Angel Henry who went to heaven.  "But where did he go?"  I replied that I thought he just wandered off and got in some trouble.  He was a pure housecat who had never been outside.  I managed to keep him in for a few days but he slipped out and that was it.  Life can be cruel.

I told my friend today about a situation and she immediately started googlein'  by zip code.  I love that girl.  She was concerned because I had not been sharing my posts with her.  I explained that I had been in a mood that wasn't particularly, um...positive so I didn't think folks would like that.  Not ranting, just talking about stuff and naming no names.  Except for the usual cast of Pecan Lane.  That consists of Bubba, LP and Reaves plus the farmers and the neighbors.  We are all just far enough apart that, while not in each others' faces we watch each others backs.  That's a good feeling.

My favorite neighbors were the Gilbreath family down the lane.  We both gardened and helped each out. They fed me many times and I watched Mia grow from a shy 10 year old into a beautiful young woman, newly graduated from DHS and headed for college.  The steady hum of the AC reminds me that today's bill will probably hit five bucks and there's only 45 there.  I'm playing it close to the vest right now until I get a paycheck.  

I won't promise no more pity parties, but they will be fewer.  I feel myself being lifted out and from this hole by the prayers and good wishes of others.  And to the ones of you who listen to me cry on the phone, bless y'alls hearts ^j^

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