Friday, August 5, 2022

voter apathy

Well, it's over kids.  Until November, it is.  Some of my candidates won and some lost.  That's the way the ball rolls.  I am most proud for Adrian Montague of Jackson and Dr. Jason Martin, the democratic nominee for governor.  It will be an uphill battle in a dark red state but at least somebody is trying.

I was made aware today of an item in the state legislature that would require non -partisan political races require that the filers declare a party.  You can't be "independent" anymore. We're talking school board all the way up to sheriff  and beyond.  This is an abomination because state election commission rules give the party in power the majority of local election commission  board members.  Yep.  It's true.  In this very red state that means that a D doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anything. is what it is but I don't like it.  I reckon I could move to another state.  

The basics of the Democratic party are the very things that keep us alive today, we of the boomer generation.  Social Security.  Voting rights. Good old FDR stuff.  There are millions of non-profits doing the right thing for the least of these.  It's what Jesus would do.  We have been taxed all of our lives by the federal government on income and future health benefits.  And yet they still manage to treat us like red headed step children. I have worked my ass off all of  my life just to find out that the golden years ain't that golden sometimes.  I am fortunate to have the income that I have but a large chunk of that will be gone as of March '23.  That's when the penny hoarding will begin!

My part time gig gives me the resources to spend money on myself and my girls.  We are going school shopping at WalMart tomorrow for supplies and I can't wait.  It's the little things that make me happy.

Soldier on kids.  We made it to Friday ^j^ 

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