Friday, August 12, 2022

mad and scared

This past week has been historic and scary all at once.  The FBI has been targeted by hate mongers, and also Secret Service.  All of this is because of the people who drank the Trump koolaid because the government is a business and he is a businessman.  Things look pretty bad for him but I'm not the sort to say "I told ya' so."  We are suffering as a country because of this man's delusion that the election was stolen from him.  I voted for Biden but I can tell you for damn sure if he had lost I wouldn't be rioting and going with conspiracy theories.  He won.  People were tired of the same old same old corruption and big loud mouth.  I am seeing us moving closer and closer to Gilead.  Google it.

The girls came this afternoon and there's a new tablet in their hands, already greasy.  Reaves told me she would not be my best friend forever because I wouldn't play doctor again.  OMG.  I left that life long ago.  You can only take so much of life saving under the guise of corporate healthcare when there is a shortage of everybody.  God bless the ones who find the time and compassion to be with folks in distress.  You have no idea what they see.

The yard already needs another mow and I'm behind on the money.  Mayberry gets a check this month and also Butch.   Gotta' take care of those who take care of you.  I visited my old house today where we lived for 34 years.  There is major improvement going on and it's sort of weird to see it be transformed.  I could never afford it, but man.  I just love seeing the transformation of these old houses.  Century farm stuff with a great big barn an silos in the forefront.  History!

Blessed be the fruit ^j^

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