Monday, August 29, 2022


I became an EK Ross fan when I was in therapy during the 80s.  The stages of grief pretty much parallel the twelve steps.   The thing is that it's not just this or that and it's over. You go back to one of the phases more than one time, if you're working a good program.  I have grieved for losses as they come including my job, my parents, my marriage and even a move from up on the hill.  More than once I have found myself at Step life is out of control.  It's a process y'all.....not an end result.  Getting to the acceptance stage is pretty peaceful yet there are still emotional triggers that can put you back where you were.  We all want to control things and have them happen in an orderly fashion with no surprises.  Not happening.

I am a progressive Methodist and lifelong member of FUMC.  Just like other churches we are looking at being not united over the issue of LGBTQ issues within the global conference.  As I understand things, the next big meeting is in 2023 yet many many churches are leaving their conferences over a decision that has not even been made yet.  This makes me so very sad.  I was raised in that church by a whole bunch of folks who went before me.  My great grandmother was the first generation of the UMC in my family.  I'm not big on ancestry or anything but I do know that I have a stone in her honor from the 150th celebration of that congregation.  Ethel Inez Agee Hamilton.  I knew her well, canaries and all.  I can still see the inside of that house and the creepy basement on Pate street.  When I spent the night her late husband's Oscar's eyes watched me all night and it scared me to death!

We had thunderstorms last night and today so Oscar got meds after he crawled up in my face freaking out.  He shakes like a maniac and won't let me hold him.  I would if he would let me but, nah.  He's special and was abused.  I take that into account.  Y'all be blessed ^j^

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