Sunday, August 28, 2022


I have had my great grandmother's table for years since Mama decided she did not have room for it.  It is a rectangle, but we always refer to it as "the round table" because it's where a whole lot of intelligent conversations have taken place.  The chairs were all broken over time and replaced with four from Mama's big ass table which was indeed round and seated all of us.  Unless the weather is nice enough to be outside, it is where company gravitates to discuss life, create with play dough  and occasionally eat.  I usually eat standing up because it's just me.  It serves as my catch all and I usually have to clear it off for those occasions when somebody is here.

The concept of hospitality was the subject of not only SS but also in our worship service.  My little cousin was serving for the first time as cross bearer and I sat behind he and an acolyte while his parents gave them cues on when to do what.  It's not my usual seat but I was surrounded by family and friends still up front where I can be mesmerized by Mary Beth's message.  Which was about hospitality and how some churches fail to thrive because they do not make people feel welcome.  I don't know everybody by name there but if I see one that is a new face, my inner evangelist (which has been fostered by Delores Jones and Nancy West) kicks in.  They can spot a new face from a mile away.  Thanks to that team, all newbies are welcomed with a gift bag and "y'all come back."   It's what Jesus would do, I believe.  

We strive as a church to make everyone feel welcome.  We hug and greet and don't make a mad dash for the door.  Usually by the time I leave the parking lot is nearly empty.  And that's what it's all about.  Bringing others close to the community of God's people.  I hope that y'all have a marvelous week ahead and blessed Sunday afternoon.  I'll be on my favorite spot which is on the deck under the giant pecan tree that Daddy planted years ago.  

Keep the faith ^j^

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