Sunday, May 22, 2022


I sat on the front porch watching storm #1 roll in and thought it was over.  I was hunkered down watching Ozark when round 2 hit and knocked out the power so I gave it up and stumbled to find a candle and into bed.  There were outages with both the city and Forked Deere with FD lasting for five hours.  I woke up when it came back on and all the lights were blaring so I turned them off, turned on the box fan and went back to sleep.  It was a booger of a storm with tons of lightning and thunder.  Oscar was, of course, terrified and when I tried to lift him up on the bed with me and Rosie he got me.  Not bad but still.  I guess I'm going to have to get him some doggie nerve pills!  

Since then and now, the girls have come and gone and it was the usual whirlwind.  All is quiet now and I'll bet Reaves is asleep on 412.  The three of us played multiple rounds of hide and seek and discussed how next weekend's swim date depends on her being good this week.  We are not above bribery. Just five days of respect for authority and you get to swim in the big pool chile'.  She actually asked me what I've been doing today which is a first.  Then she got impatient with me because I was on the phone with Tommy.  We catch up when he's driving ya' know.

It's like a circus at Gaga's house but we all love it and cherish the memories.  When we went imaginary swimming we had to come home and take a nap because we were tired.  That lasted about 3 minutes and involved turning all lights, closing the door and the blinds.  I don't take naps but that was a nice one.

Y'all be blessed and happy.  I'm a gonna' go catch the SNL season finale on Sunday afternoon.  Pete and Kate....I will miss you ^j^

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