Tuesday, May 3, 2022

my inner cook

I love to cook and in my mind I could do all things if I had the counter space and a few Cuisinart items like a stand mixer.  Since I lack the proper tools to do the job right, I often end up improvising and  making it work.  Then there's a big mess to clean up!  At least now I have a dishwasher.  I have the timer on my phone set for a dish that I made today and kinda' sorta' screwed up because the recipe wasn't right in front of me.  I think it will work though.  When I think back to the miracles my mother made happen in that tiny kitchen, I am amazed.  She worked and had three kids and a farmer husband.  He planted a big garden every year and she preserved most of it for the winter.  We never went a Thanksgiving without home grown purple hull peas.   I guess I get my passions from both parents. 

I watered my plants yesterday and then it rained so they should be in good shape for a day or two.  My total T4 hasn't been checked in years so that came back a tad low but the kidney numbers were, not great, but better.  I'll take it.  Now my levothyroxine goes back up to 100 mcg which is what I was taking until my TSH got normal.  Probably the reason for that was a low T4.  Who the heck knows.  I got a steroid shot which has done wonders for the allergy hell and given me a bit of energy.  

The sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds as it begins to set.  I usually don't even think about eating until it's gone and dark but that means I end up eating right before bed.  Not good, especially for an ostomate.  I prefer to eat a light breakfast, larger lunch and small evening meal.  Plus, I snack a lot.

As soon as the chicken voila is done I'll be headed to the deck to watch the end of another day.  I never thought I'd be back here where I began and loving it.  I am blessed ^j^

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