Wednesday, November 3, 2010

hump day friday

I get to sleep in for the next two days in a row and I just can't put into words how very delicious that sounds right now..  After all, I'm a senior citizen now, ya know?   Too bad I can't retire yet.  Thanks to wasteful government spending and bad management that will be at age 67 or when I drop dead on the ergonomic mats earning rent money.  Whichever comes first.  My little general Yankee friend and I were discussing election results today at the sawmill with an emphasis on the huge GOP victory party up there in the House.  We both agreed that it didn't matter WHO is president right now, even if if was Jesus..the people will flip flop according to what's going on with the economy and whatnot.  Healthcare is a biggie. Insurance premiums went up ( again!) and there still seems to be less benefit money available for preventive medicine than for big bucks medical specialists and high tech testing.  Personally, I believe that our country could benefit to a less top heavy sort of federal government with a return of responsibility to the individual states to care for their population.  The cost of healthcare delivery in the south is wayyyyyyyyy up there due to the high poverty level.  Poverty = unhealthy eating habits and bad karma on the home front.  The fed now totes most of the note for that, without regard for all those people who live in less populated states.  Maybe that's what the whole Civil War was about, huh?????

It was a humbling experience, once again, to sit at my mother's side in fast track and observe her treatment at the hands of my co-workers.  I had never met either of them, but they got that head wound stitched and moved us out of there in two hours, just in time for the news with daddy.  BG tag teamed with me on that one, and delivered my entries for the local photo contest to the chamber office while I watched the suturing.  I wondered, after the fact, if everyone who comes in there feels that comfort level.  I reckon that's what we work toward as a team.

Our local paper puts out a quarterly women's magazine, each time with a different theme.  They ask for volunteers to tell their stories and the bucket list one caught my eye thanks to our company PR gal.  A very kind and insightful reporter took some pics and talked with us for awhile and the work was absolutely what I need to feel right now.....a huge group hug for me, my momma and my babygirl.  BG called me this afternoon to tell me that Gail and Oprah were camping out.  What .A. Hoot!

"Ya'll be careful out there."  Hill Street Blues

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