My little hermit self marched right up into the kudzu bar yesterday afternoon for the first time in MONTHS to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday party and we had a ball. We all used to get together on a regular basis to shoot the bull up there but life has gotten so busy and complicated that the ritual has fallen by the wayside. I hate it when that happens. Deb was totally surprised and delighted to be the guest of honor and proudly wore her "old and grumpy" hat. There was beer and there were laughs. Good times!
Just a few more days until my surgery and I'm ready to get it over with. Hopefully by this time next month the numbness, tingling and pain will be history. My plans for the week of recovery include nothing more than pain meds and a stack of books that have been woefully neglected by this formerly ravenous bookworm. BG plans on playing nurse for the week since I won't have much use of the left hand for awhile. She's asleep on my mother's couch as I type, floating on benadryl for her perpetual allergy attacks. Poor thing's eyes were almost swollen shut yesterday so it was back to the urgent care for a shot of decadron, dosepak and antibiotics. Ever since she was a small child, she's had problems with that sort of thing. We made numerous road trips to pediatric dermatologists to no avail so it's treat the symptoms as they occur. We know the drill by heart now.
Readers of Poop Happens might recall that my mom and I share the gift of "seeing fall" before it actually arrives. Normally the first sighting is mid to late July but this year it didn't happen until a couple of days ago. Must be global warming or something.
I've been reading bits and pieces of hysteria about the healthcare reform bill with special interest toward the end of life care piece that will probably be pulled out to satisfy the rabid republican bitching about "death panels". This particular piece would provide medicare coverage for physicians to counsel the elderly and terminally ill on end of life care options. The drama has expanded to include such accusations as "prelude to euthanasia" and other such nonsense. No wonder healthcare is in such a mess. Nobody wants to accept the fact that life on earth is finite, and sometimes comfort and quality are more important than longevity. I'm not talking euthanasia at all.....just dignity and respect for the right to make a choice rather than feeding more money into the already overloaded healthcare budget for futile care.
It's hay baling time here on the farm with big round bales laying all around the landscape. The other day when I drove by there were about six turkeys perched on top of the bales down the lane. They are notorious for flying away before you can get a pic so I just said "awwww" and drove past them. Never a dull moment here on Pecan Lane.
Ya'll enjoy the weekend.
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