Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the british chinese are coming!!

I'm so sick of Chinese banks buying up American industry that I could puke. But there's a rebel part of me that understands how it all happened. As in unbridled greed for more stuff at a cheaper price until everybody keels over like toddlers when they get home from a 2nd birthday party after cake and ice cream. My total disgust with corporate america coincided with the release of The Eagles "Long Road out of Eden". Every time I listened to the musical sound that was just.like.gunshot I thought about what the whole thing was about. Maybe it's just me, but I think our energies and dollars were misdirected. As Hoss would say "And so it goes."

I dropped daddy's new medicine off this afternoon and found him sittin' on the porch, counting down the seconds on his wrist until the news came on. 31 seconds and we were in the house tuned in and it was all bad. I kid you not. They say that you just have to work around the dementia patient's state of mind and meet them where they are. I suppose that's what it's all about with any relationship. We will celebrate his fifty third Father's day and seventy eighth birthday this summer, that is if he lives that long.

Something tells me that Mom's ready to kick ass and take names. I've been wrong before, though.

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