Thursday, May 5, 2022

the cat house

Little Rosie has settled in here like she owns the place and Oscar never bothers her at all. She's still tiny but eating like a horse and sweet as pie.  I was sitting on the deck the other day gazing into the nether regions when a full grown calico came onto the porch.  At first I thought I was seeing things, but then it came back.  And it's back again today.  Now, I'm figuring that we have two calicos that went missing within a year with the first being Lily.  Before I moved she just disappeared.  Lauren was heart broken because Lily was her "forever" cat.  Last year I adopted another calico named Cali from my friend Mary Gwyn who had always been an indoors cat and she managed to escape.  This one could be Lily, or Cali or just another stray calico but both of them are fixed so that's cool.  I can deal with more than one.  She won't come to me just yet but I put food out the other night and it was gone.  Could have been the birds or the squirrels but ummm..... It's gonna' be a rainy 24 hours so I hope she finds a dry spot to hole up.  Last I saw her she was out by the concrete pile in the edge of the field digging around.  Probably hungry.

I have no idea what's going on outside my little world because I'm avoiding it.  Too much bad stuff.  As I was leaving paradise today Joy was settling in with Kelly when NBC broke in with an alert that the markets tanked today.  Again.  All the talking heads will be pulling that to pieces for a bit.  Somebody told me that Trump is coming to Memphis for a rally at only seven bucks a ticket which means he's a cheap date.  I bet some big Trumpster will buy them all up to create a seemingly full house.  Choke on it y'all.  I remember when Clinton and Gore came to the burg and I took an elementary school aged LP out to see the spectacle downtown.  Those tickets were free.

With mother's day coming up I'm planning to visit Mama's grave with a vase full of iris and peonies.  I picked some of Mozella's white and purple ones today along with a few of Ethel's yellow from Pate Street that are in my old yard.  Daddy's peony bush has only produced one big bloom so far but it's loaded so I hope to have some of them for Mom.

Honor 'yo mama ^j^

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