Sunday, June 2, 2019

minute by minute

Well, all I can say is that today was not predictable and that's not always a bad thing.  It keeps you on your toes and adaptable to change.  It helps when you know people who know people.  I got to visit with some folks I used to work with and it was all good.  

Life is such a fragile thing and yet we take it for granted.  One minute you're in high school and *boom* you're retired.  I don't miss having to punch a clock and play by the rules in a little cubicle called the lab.  My passion has always been first and foremost for the patient and family.  

My plans for the week include three days of exercise and a few dips in the pool.  Gotta' take my buddy to Jackson for a procedure on Friday.  She promised me a good lunch.

Me and Kevin had church/therapy this afternoon which I always enjoy.  Seeing the light back in his eyes is an incredible thing.  High five dude.

Grace ~

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