Thursday, October 18, 2018

today's goal

I did my part to drain the swamp today and voted early.  They had already had over 200 and people were still pouring in.  I have a feeling that some people who never vote will be getting out for this one.  Since I'm a county resident, I did not participate in the city election for mayor and alderpeople.  Therefore, my ballot was short and sweet.

After that I got a quick burger and hit up the 'gentral for some toilet paper because Ellie keeps shredding it.  I dropped off my cans for recycle and got a small check.  I have a pile of glass that seriously needs to go to a recycle center but it's about to get too heavy to lift.  I hope Dyer County Recycles gets up and running soon because I have a bunch of stuff like batteries, electronics and glass to get rid of.  Patsye hauls all of hers back to East Tennessee,  I'm not using straws anymore so there's that.  I'll have to start a plastic pile too!  She said that at her center they don't even have to be separated.  

I just signed up for an online summit featuring John Boehner as the pioneer in marijuana promotion which seems kind of odd but.  There you have it.  I'm sure he's looking at it from a profit motive, but I did know when he left the Senate he was a different person and more like me that I realized.  He saw the shit show coming down the tracks and didn't want to be a part of it.  

This brings us to the current pandering with the Saudis which Trump defends by saying "they didn't do it."  Every decision ever made with other countries and that government has been based on their control of oil.  Multiple efforts for clean energy have been shot down by high tariffs and political deals.  They WANT us to need that gas and coal.  Solar panels.  Wind turbines.  The ways to save our earth at countless.  But we have no power, as individuals, to change things.  Only by coming together across the aisle and looking at reality can we ever have a chance of our kids and grandchildren knowing the good life that we had back in the day.   A lot of millenials will inherit boomer money but unlike their parents before them, I think they will use it to help humanity thrive.  I know.....rainbows and unicorns.  It beats being a curmudgeon.

Keep smiling...keep shining :)

1 comment:

  1. Republicans made cannabis illegal now they want to be my dealer. Geez I'm confused now.
