Tuesday, June 21, 2022

beach envy

I've been looking at everybody's beach pictures longing for some sand in my toes.  It's been six years since Okaloosa and I can tell it.  Of course it's way too expensive with gas and condo prices out the roof.  I'm happy for those who have been able to afford it.  In my experience the best time to go is in May before kids get out of school and the heat gets out of hand.  I have no desire whatsoever to go on a cruise.  Just a beachside condo with easy access to park  my ass in the sand.

I had a telehealth meeting with an NP from Humana this morning similar to the one I had in person a couple of weeks ag o.  I'm in a holding pattern right now with no testing scheduled.  I believe I am due for a bone density this year but I'm not running to my PCP to get an order.  I don't go back to nephrology for 3 months so I'll need to get him to check the renal function in about a month and see when the dexascan can be paid for by Medicare.  It's every two years, I believe.  The last one showed osteopenia which is why I've been on Prolia.  That stuff is wayyyyyyyy expensive, like 6K per dose through my provider, with a 200 co-pay.  

I'm already tired of the daily watering because the heat just wears me out.  It always sounds like a good idea in the spring but...  I will be 67 in September and that shocks me to think about.  My body feels old but my mind is still chasing the dream believing that I haven't found my true calling yet.  After I almost died, I remember thinking that there was a reason for me to be alive and I try to remember that.  My girls need me but I work and they live in another town so our visits are not that often depending on things like their plans and random sickness.  

I have lots of friends but don't get to see them often because everybody is busy with grandkids and staying afloat.  The yard mowing guy was here until almost 9PM last night so the grass will soon be dead with no rain in sight.  Global warming ya think?

I still haven't found the elusive turkey egg but I hear it rolling around in the underparts of the seats occasionally.  One of these days.  ^j^

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