Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I have learned by trial and error what are the best days to hit up the 'gentral which is Wednesday when the truck runs.  I haven't seen disinfectant wipes in eons and made a special trip to test my luck on that today.  Not only did I get Clorox wipes but also a bucket of glittery slime for Reaves.  It was raining ( as usual ) but I caught a break to unload.

I've decided to go gray and have a pretty good cut right now but I seriously needed to get rid of the facial hair so Misti did the honors for me this morning.  This is Misti the angel who hauled me out to the shop while I was at the rehab to get my first head washing two weeks post-op.  PLUS she brought me turkey and dressing the next day.  Don't ever doubt that there are good people out there.  

In other exciting news the Dyer County Democratic Party now has a headquarters locally that is to die for.  It took some back room hustle by folks who have connections but our first meeting will be there soon.  It was kind of a heavenly reminder from above to never give up the good fight.  

I have missed yoga for some time and this poor old tired body needs it so that is my goal for the morning to meet some friends and stretch.  I feel like my whole body has been scruched up in a ball since the surgery and the fall.  It if ain't one thing it's five.

Y'all be happy and healthy and wear your mask properly.  It took everything I had not to lecture at kid at the store about covering his nose!!  Namaste ~

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