Tuesday, September 1, 2020

riders in the storm

I am so easily amused it ain't even funny.  I sleep with a box fan on and the power went out about 8:15 so my eyes popped open when the fan stopped.  About that time some nice looking guy from Dyersburg Electric met me at the door ( in my gown tail ) to tell me that my power would be off while they did some tree trimming.  There is something about bucket trucks that fascinates me so I watched as they expertly moved two guys around in buckets with chain saws calculating how to cut the limbs where they fell in the road and not on the corn.  The power lines were in a precarious position with lotso limbs over so they are good for now.  Right after all that the yard crew showed up and the road grader commenced to doing its' thing so I left to do errands for my client.  It was then that things got interesting.  

I saw the storm coming on the radar when I left my client's house with a to do list.  I could hear the thunder and it was dark as night when I got out of the 'gentral.  I took a wrong turn trying to avoid the traffic and decided to go on by Lucky to get my purchase.   While I was in there the freakin' bottom fell out.  My umbrella was in the car and I decided to wait for it to slack up so me and Linda had some nice quality time watching the monsoon and chatting.  It passed pretty quickly so here I went to deliver the goods to my client.  Needless to say my shoes are soaking wet.  

Lauren and Reaves came for a late afternoon visit and for the first time EVER that baby took a nap here.  I watched as Lauren rocked her to sleep and with much stealth got her laid down and covered up in the recliner.  She had errands to run so I watched that precious angel sleep until she actually woke up sliding out of the chair.  And wanting Mama!!  I didn't know it but Lauren was actually in the driveway on the phone so she saved the day quickly.  Reaves was NOT a happy camper and ready to go home.  Watching it all as a grandma is pretty cool.  That baby is a Mama's girl no doubt.  They have had a lot of unscheduled time together due to COVID but that comes to an end on Thursday.  I do believe they are both ready for some sort of normalcy.

I am what you would call a progressive which means I'm pretty much on the left but close to the middle.  It amazes me how many people are afraid to come out of the closet because they are afraid of Trumpsters.  When I get my Biden Harris sign it will be up front and center even though nobody will see it out here in the boonies.  Being silent means going with the status quo and that is a dangerous thing.  If you are going to talk the talk walk the walk.  You wanna' wear a MAGA hat, go for it if that's what you believe.  Life is too precious to waste on political division.

I hope that you look for the wonder of the little things in life like a beautiful moonrise or a sleeping child.  That is what makes the world go 'round.  Peace and Love ^j^

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