Tuesday, September 15, 2020

a cheap date

It's a good thing I am so easily amused.  I awoke to the sounds of the county road crew tar and chipping the lane and got to watch the whole process in action.  I knew they were coming so I planned accordingly and cut out to run errands for my client afterwards.  The bumpy ride has turned into smooth and I get to drive all OVER the road according to instructions.  Pack that bitch down.  

If I am correct it's Terrific taco Tuesday.  For one dolla' only you can have all the tacos you can eat plus a margarita if you so choose.  I finished off the Mexicans from Sunday last night in all its' glory complete with cheese sauce.  To die for.  

As I sat on the porch this morning and watched the heavy equipment at work, it was cool enough that I shivered in shorts and a tshirt.  That changed later in the day but it's still pleasant and I wish it would stay this way for awhile.  We smooth got cheated out of spring 2020.

My neighbor came to visit and we talked about any and everything.  We are both healthcare people, well....all three of us.  Looks like we could start a bidness' or something.  Anywho, they feed me well and I'm protected from the zombie children at night.  That's always a comfort.  

This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice ^j^ 

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