Saturday, October 16, 2010

we've only just begun

I can't help it ya'll, I'm a sucker for sweet moments and today was one that will be on my personal memory card forever.  A whole bunch of people who love each other ( and a few who are bad sports ) came together to celebrate the marriage of our friends.  The weather was perfect, the flower girls typical three year olds and the bride and groom radiant as they contemplated their honeymoon in Greece in spite of all the drama that was involved in making it happen.  Game point for true love.

On the way home, I noticed a few missed calls and gave my mom a ring to check in.  She told me that my brother's beloved dog had been run over and killed.  She was upset, and of course he's pretty torn up.  I remember the day we went to pick Bandit out of a litter of muddy border collie pups and he picked US.  Little dude just crawled out with his steel blue eyes and said "pick me!".  The rest is history.  Daddy always had border collies when we were growing up to help with the cattle, and never was able to keep one from bolting either.  It's their nature to chase things and they're pretty damn quick about jumping in front of vehicles sorta like young deer.  I passed two on my way up the lane toward home this evening.  They didn't seem very scared, pausing to let me slow down to take in the wonder of the moment.  Youth is like that sometimes.

The sawmill was decent today......steady but manageable.  I took the opportunity to visit an old friend's mom  and had one of those "this is why i love healthcare" moments.  We talked about her next step which will be assisted living and she's okay with it.  That made me smile, knowing that her son has spent a lot of time with her lately and that it is a huge decision to give up the family home.  It's the hardest part of growing older.

I rode to the wedding with a carload of women that I have come to love over the years.  It dawned on me that our common bond is, essentially, my daughter.  And that my what life is all about.  We seized the moment to rock and chat on Vick's porch just old the old buddies that we are, each of  us a woman who has seen hard times and survived to laugh again.

I don't know about ya'll, but I'm feeling truly blessed.

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