Sunday, July 19, 2009

a taste of fall

Just a teaser, but enough to remind me that some day it won't be sweltering hot and humid. The front moved through on Friday giving us weather that is more like September than July. Do I hear an amen? Thanks Big Ernie.

I slept in and BG picked up the grands after church to do the Perkins thing. They have their own waitress who keeps up with whether it's blueberry or strawberry day for Daddy's waffles. She also brings extra napkins and brings the bill with the food so she's a big hit in his book. Hopefully the new birthday duds fit his shrinking waistline and he wore them today.

Gotta make hay while the sun shines.

Later ^j^

1 comment:

  1. Hey Poopie, Happy Birday to Dad! I have never eaten at a Perkins, we don't have them in Texas or Louisian. I did eat at 'Carl Perkins' in Jackson. I am a blue suede fan from way back.
    I enjoyed reading of your older days, I ran with hippies on Sundays.
    BTW, I am a new grandpa again, come see.
