Monday, July 13, 2009

bad day at the office

It was devil karma, all the way around...left over from the weekend, I swear. A few of my co-workers were on vacation broadening their horizons and I got stuck with the incredibly cute and sweet rookie bone marrow guy. It's always a chinese fire drill up in there when somebody orders that procedure, what with all the special testing and such. What should have taken half an hour turned into a ninety minute sentence in the closest private room with no functioning AC. For THIS I went to college and almost jumped out of a tenth floor window???? Think again, ya'll.

Our patient was already scared shitless when he got there thanks to some helpful friends who told him how incredibly painful it is to do this thing with nothing for sedation. Wifey just grabbed her Joel Osteen book and marched right down the hall to the ICU waiting room to preach a little while. I went and got her when it was over and she seemed glad to be gettin' out of there. She told me that she was sure the tests would be negative, and by golly I believed her in spite of it all.

I could say more, but hey. I might get dooced...then who would pay the ginormous utility bill?


1 comment:

  1. I feel so bad for the patient. I remember when my daughter went through this. They sent me into the waiting room, with all the people there. No privacy and I just cried. When she and her dad came out, she asked me, "did you hear me scream?"
    How horrible
    sorry for you having to participate in this. I could NEVER do what you do. I'd rather sew quilts anytime. I salute you.
