Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
the starter job

One of the unique opportunities that comes with having a recent graduate as a roommate is the chance to remember when I was there myself about 37 years ago. I accepted a job in Memphis because that's where the boyfriend lived so, well. There ya go. After my extremely pissed off Daddy drove the U-Haul full of shit back to Dyersburg, I sat around and pondered my options for about two months. There was only one game in town and I signed up because it was home and it was familiar. Within a few months, I had moved into an apartment of my own. Boyfriend dumped me and I immediately found places to go where people hang out and drink beer. My future husband was a bartender/fireman when we met. The fireman thing went by the wayside pretty quick so he went to the local rubber plant where he stayed for
Our hospital has been sold twice during the time that I've been there. With each and every change of ownership comes major changes to "the rules." Same thing with the Ohio based rubber plant that sold out from under the 'burg several times + a merger or two. Usually, it's about the money. No...like ALWAYS. Somewhere along the road to American healthcare, I realized that the whole thing is rigged. Hospitals have to overcharge insurance patients to pay for the ones who abuse the system. No, I'm not talking about somebody's poor grandma who has diabetes. The ones I despise are the drug seekers..the ones who keep their scrips by showing up regularly at one doc's place or another. Many of 'em promptly go out and sell them on the street or take a long fucked up weekend. Meanwhile, the rest of us are getting up for work and being responsible about knowing that who you are is an extremely personal and sometimes painful existence. But nobody cares because ya'll are just going with the flow. The mortuaries here just LOVE to see ya'll and your sobbing mommas comes walking in. They refuse to bury people because they have no money. Just like healthcare. After a very rough start involging opportunistic awarding of contracts, things seem to be back on track, the ford family not withstanding.
Lest you think I'm not a true hippie, let me explain all that. I'm not speaking of the occasional mood to say to hell with it and walk away. If I don't do that on a regular basis, I'm a freakin' lunatic. I do believe in honor and integrity...doing what you believe is right, even if it might not be according to the MSM and recent polls. Empathy makes life so much more painful, yet the rewards are a total surprise from Big Ernie when they happen. I can say all of this and proudly pronounce that I'm one of the most rabid Doobie Brothers fans on Pecan Lane.
It's all good Babygirl. ^j^
Friday, May 29, 2009
it takes a village

Babygirl and I have spent quite a bit of time down at my parents' house lately, helping them with chores, record keeping and various other activities of daily living. Lunch is delivered daily from a nearby restaurant and home health folks make frequent visits to check on them. Since her arm has been broken, she's needed help with baths and physical therapy. Yesterday we were fortunate enough to run into not only the home health nurse just in time to re-cert them but the lady who works for the state and brings Mom all sorts of cool gadgets for the visually impaired. Neither of them drive so BG, me and my brother take them where they need to go like hair and doctor appointments and church. I can only imagine how it must feel to be totally dependent on others for your care, but they seem to be appreciative for every single thing that we do, no matter how small. My heart goes out to those who have nobody to look out for them.
After Daddy's last wreck when he gave up his license, my brother took the truck, got it fixed and sold it yesterday. He brought Daddy the license plate to add to his collection on the shop wall that contains every plate he's ever had. This was the last, and that tore my heart out when he told me about it. Mom made the remark today as we ran errands that for me it must be like having a baby again. We got to talking about mine and BG's favorite book when she was little...."Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch. "Love you forever, like you for always. As long as you're living my baby you'll be." I used to tease her when she was needing some cuddle up time that I wanted to be the baby.
And you know what? These days I feel that way more and more often.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
random thought
"What in the name of all that is holy does Cheney have to do with who we are as a nation today?" Except for cleaning up the mess that is he and Dubya's legacy. I bet their mommas are soooooo proud.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
planting in the rain
Daddy and I went flower and herb shopping yesterday down at Pennington's, our fav place to purchase growing things. I added cilantro and oregano to the already potted rosemary, thyme and basil. It's been a rainy day but a break in the clouds gave me the opportunity to finish what I started yesterday, with much softer soil I might add. The tornado sirens are going off as I type but I'm not sure exactly why because it's all just rain and mud as far as I can see. Somebody please do call if I need to head to the basement.
We are learning more and more about the brain thing that is impacting all of our lives here in the village of Pecan Lane. As it turns out, Daddy's disease may be a rare and often misdiagnosed form of dementia called fronto-temporal and Alzheimer's meds make the symptoms worse. Go figure that one. We're headed back to the doc this week to regroup and discuss options.
Mom's arm is still in a sling for another month. She hasn't been out of the house since Easter except to get her hair did on Thursdays, which makes a girl mighty out of sorts. This too shall pass.
As for Sugardaddy, there have been no recent sightings because this old gal does nothing but go to work and come home to the farm. I reckon Big Ernie is waiting for just the right moment to slap me on the butt when I least expect it. Ya'll know what they say. All the good ones are either married or gay.
Peace out kids. When you see the flag tomorrow, remember what it's all about. Long may she wave. ^j^
We are learning more and more about the brain thing that is impacting all of our lives here in the village of Pecan Lane. As it turns out, Daddy's disease may be a rare and often misdiagnosed form of dementia called fronto-temporal and Alzheimer's meds make the symptoms worse. Go figure that one. We're headed back to the doc this week to regroup and discuss options.
Mom's arm is still in a sling for another month. She hasn't been out of the house since Easter except to get her hair did on Thursdays, which makes a girl mighty out of sorts. This too shall pass.
As for Sugardaddy, there have been no recent sightings because this old gal does nothing but go to work and come home to the farm. I reckon Big Ernie is waiting for just the right moment to slap me on the butt when I least expect it. Ya'll know what they say. All the good ones are either married or gay.
Peace out kids. When you see the flag tomorrow, remember what it's all about. Long may she wave. ^j^
Friday, May 22, 2009
meanwhile, down on the farm

My entire freakin' middle aged body is peeling, in spite of SPF 70 and many umbrellas. Remind me to tell ya'll the story of our picnic in the Dollar General parking lot somewhere in bumfuck Alabama on the way home. Yes, we are rednecks and damned proud of it. It's a miracle that we all came together on the porch of that little house on Bungalo Lane and didn't lose any of the tram cards or house keys. Big Ernie was workin' overtime.
I see
All is well.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
back to the real world
Honey I'm home! We slid back onto Pecan Lane late last night, sunburn and all and I spent today catching up to prepare for re-entry to the wonderful world of work. It's been many MANY years since I've had ten days off so the tank was definitely close to empty prior to. What with all the graduation hoopla and the arrangements that had to be made before we left, I was ready for the two nights of solid twelve hour sleep that kicked off the week in our little bungalow. There was a group from Nashvegas, one from D'burg and a lone traveler from south Texas in our party and not a cross word was spoken except for one tequila fueled argument that I was pleased to miss. We each did our own things and let everyone else do the same.
I dropped my camera in the cooler on day one and managed to salvage the card with that day's pics but it's forever dead so I'm in the market for a new one because, hey. I cannot survive without a camera. Period.
I've been to the beach in the summer many times, but never in May and I've got to say that it's the most perfect time to be on the Gulf Coast. Crowds are small and the weather is lovely. Several resort workers told us that beginning Memorial Day weekend, it's like a zoo for ten weeks and that we were fortunate to be there when we were. After we all get together and get the pics on CD, I'll have some to share.
Later ^j^
I dropped my camera in the cooler on day one and managed to salvage the card with that day's pics but it's forever dead so I'm in the market for a new one because, hey. I cannot survive without a camera. Period.
I've been to the beach in the summer many times, but never in May and I've got to say that it's the most perfect time to be on the Gulf Coast. Crowds are small and the weather is lovely. Several resort workers told us that beginning Memorial Day weekend, it's like a zoo for ten weeks and that we were fortunate to be there when we were. After we all get together and get the pics on CD, I'll have some to share.
Later ^j^
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
no matter where you go, there you are
That was the saying on my favorite ME t-shirt that is long gone to the rag pile. When BG graduated from high school, my brother and his wife gave her a copy of Dr. Seuss's "Oh..the places you will go." with some big bucks tucked inside. Since then she's been to hell and back a couple of times with multiple trips to Martin on her slow but steady path toward a BSW. Saturday, she will walk and that chapter will close. In true social worker fashion she convinced her elderly grandparents that it is not a doable thing for them to climb bleachers and sit for four hours straight just to be present at an event. Especially when Mom wouldn't even be able to see her. Big Ernie works in mysterious ways.
As karma would have it, an old friend of mine is opening a restaurant about a mile down the highway that will be delivering meals to them, not just next week, but whenever they need them. It's a win-win proposition for both the business and the shut-ins, if you know what I mean. Nothing like a good old plate lunch to lift somebody's spirits.
This will be my last post until we get to the beach, providing somebody brings a laptop. Otherwise, I'll catch ya'll on the flip side of graduation vacation. Hopefully with a much nicer tan and at least one prospective Sugardaddy. Should you drop by the house next week, don't be surprised if Cassie Rae and the dogs greet you. They've got a date :)
And yes. There will be pictures of the beach bunnies.
As karma would have it, an old friend of mine is opening a restaurant about a mile down the highway that will be delivering meals to them, not just next week, but whenever they need them. It's a win-win proposition for both the business and the shut-ins, if you know what I mean. Nothing like a good old plate lunch to lift somebody's spirits.
This will be my last post until we get to the beach, providing somebody brings a laptop. Otherwise, I'll catch ya'll on the flip side of graduation vacation. Hopefully with a much nicer tan and at least one prospective Sugardaddy. Should you drop by the house next week, don't be surprised if Cassie Rae and the dogs greet you. They've got a date :)
And yes. There will be pictures of the beach bunnies.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Out of the blue came free lunch from somebody at work, just in time to save some money for the beach. Sweet. The sun came out and it didn't rain. Yet. And to top it all off..I learned a new weather word. "Derecheo"
BG is busy this week, seeing after the grands and getting ready to graduate. She even bought me some shirts today, bless her heart. I do so hate to shop. My favorite shorts have a rip on the side so I've got to pencil in some time to sew those babies up in the next couple of days. No..wait! Mitz will do it for me :) She's my fabulous co-worker whose daughter is working on being a chef. I've got strawberry cake to prove it. I thought I'd be clever and take a cake to the party Saturday so it got delivered with a card on top. I left it in my car, all stealth like, so she wouldn't know anything was up. That night she went to the store in my car, brought the stuff in and promptly dug into the strawberry goodness. So, there was no cake at the party. We're eatin' it all ourselves and that's a win-win situation.
Official pet sitter, Cassie Rae is coming out tomorrow for a meet'n'greet with the kids. Right now they look pretty scary all sprawled on the furniture sound asleep. Except for Lily...she's in heat and prowling. Never fear...her tubes are tied so she's having a grand time and no!kittens!
Monday, May 4, 2009
T-5 days and counting
I can hear the surf already. But FIRST we must sit through four hours of 800 kids graduating from UTM with my Babygirl being amongst the last group to walk. I think I'll take a book just in case. Ya'll don't tell anybody but I might get up and streak so as to embarrass her to the max. Depends on how hot it is up in there. I'll be in charge of my parents so that probably won't happen but it's a funny thought. It's quite amazing how the dreams of an overworked smartass country girl can turn.
Since I'm totally NOT a whiner anymore, ya'll don't realize what a freakin' relief it was to get a big fat shot of steroids and antibiotic in the butt today along with antibacterial eye drops, ear drops and pills. We codependents have a high tolerance for pain and think we can get by without seeking medical help because it's just too damned expensive. Hey...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get well for a road trip. I go generic all the way. And Kim? I love you forever.
The nameless pup now answers to Bandit. Or he will, after he gets used to it. Bubba is like me in that he doesn't take the responsibility of adopting a pet lightly so he gave it some thought before sticking him with something that he will answer to all of his canine life. Little dude has red patches over each eye like a bandit so, there ya go. Patches is just too woosy for a guy dog.
It didn't rain today and probably won't tomorrow. A chance of sunshine. Do I hear an amen?
Since I'm totally NOT a whiner anymore, ya'll don't realize what a freakin' relief it was to get a big fat shot of steroids and antibiotic in the butt today along with antibacterial eye drops, ear drops and pills. We codependents have a high tolerance for pain and think we can get by without seeking medical help because it's just too damned expensive. Hey...a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get well for a road trip. I go generic all the way. And Kim? I love you forever.
The nameless pup now answers to Bandit. Or he will, after he gets used to it. Bubba is like me in that he doesn't take the responsibility of adopting a pet lightly so he gave it some thought before sticking him with something that he will answer to all of his canine life. Little dude has red patches over each eye like a bandit so, there ya go. Patches is just too woosy for a guy dog.
It didn't rain today and probably won't tomorrow. A chance of sunshine. Do I hear an amen?
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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