Friday, June 4, 2021

on a mission

I have lived almost my entire life on this farm.  I know every inch of it and then some, yet I am still learning the history for my upcoming literary adventure.  We have bee hives out here and I met the keepers last year during harvest.  I really want to diversify the different factors of how agriculture works and bees are a big part.  I met Mike Harris of Logan's Lake Honey at his shop in Finley this morning and he graciously gave me a tour of the entire facility.  You can't miss it.....stacked with Amish made wooden boxes inside and out.  The extraction process was what is amazing to me.  He walked me through it from bring the boxes in to removing the plates for processing in this huge ass machine.  There are lots of pipes to carry the honey and wax over to the one that actually separates it out.  He showed me a queen that he bought for 27 bucks who will soon have her own hive.  The hives are split, so to speak, and a new queen introduced to the workers.  I was pretty amazed.  

We watched some fish digging through the mud out at paradise and that was a lot of fun.  Larry spotted them first and Joy yanked out the binoculars.  We had a clear view of turtles on a log.  I'm sure there are 9800 snakes in that lake so I don't get near it.  A snake is a snake.

I've really enjoyed my visits with Bubba and Sadie lately.  She is so fast she can get to the ball before it lands.  Y'all have a great weekend and try something different.  All you got is time.

Namaste ~

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