Tuesday, June 15, 2021

if not this world, the next

I am amazed at what people will do to get to the beach after a year of quarantine.  With all the random shootings right now I'm afraid to even go to the grocery store.  Sometimes, crazy wins.  It speaks volumes that so many gun nuts are out there taking out innocents and then offing themselves.  Coward 'sumbitches.  Same thing goes for those that torture animals and kids and old people.  There is a special place in hell just for y'all.  If you have a freaking mask around your neck and a clerk asks you to cover your face with it, it ain't your right to go back to the truck, get a gun and murder said cashier.  I am not naive enough to think that anything will ever be different because the NRA and 2nd amendment folks are dead set on their automatic weapons.  End of rant.

I am grateful to have central air that works even when I pay out the ass for it.  I do pay as you go and that one night when the power went out was followed by the highest daily rate I've seen since I've been here.  I think TVA should reimburse me actually.

Y'all be patient and kind and always look forward ^j^

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