Wednesday, May 29, 2019

breakin' a sweat

I go to a class at the local YMCA called Silver Sneakers which a nice way of saying it's for older folks.  It's a good workout and the only thing I have trouble with is the unfixed shoulder sometimes when using weights and bands.  There are certain things I simply cannot do with that arm but I'm not giving up.  Use it or lose it.

I killed one of my 'maters so I went to see my personal shopper Stanley at Pennington's.  I'll wait until it cools down before I plant it.  After that I visited the cabin which was swarming with people since the owner is in town.  Several contractors were there meeting with him regarding plans for the next steps.  It was good to see him if only for a brief minute.  While I was there I picked up another couple of windows.  

I'm not sure where I'm headed, but I figure I'll get there eventually.  Y'all stay cool and "turn around, don't drown."

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