Monday, April 9, 2018

munchkin time

I just got back from a visit to Jackson for grammaw time.  We always eat...either McDonald's from Bells or carryout from Rock'nDough.  My knee is better enough that I can get on floor level with her and be able to get up if I  The weather is nice and supposed to get even better.  Maybe there will be a spring after all.  Lauren and Kim and Reaves were all loaded up for grocery shopping when I pulled out to come home.  Her daddy has a new house with a big jungle gym in the yard.  She'll grow into it.  Learning to crawl and almost there, you can see the determination in her eyes.

I do not get that Trump is still trying to blame Obama for something that continues to spiral out of control.  Same thing with blame gaming Hillary.  It's HISTORY and is not relevant to what is on the table right now.  All the world leaders think he's a jackass playing hardball with no ammo.  Russia blames Israel.  It's all a hoax....and on and on.  The Syrian army is very adept at chemical warfare as are many of the countries backed by Russia.  And on top of all that?  Russia is ( more than likely) involved in a massive election pandering.  Come on Mueller.  Give it to us straight.

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