Sunday, December 3, 2017

'til the fat lady sings

Nothing is ever really over.  Things just slowly turn into history which can be studied and gleaned for knowledge how not to repeat mistakes.  As I study the mean ass group of Republicans that did the tax bill ( minus Corker of course )  I am astounded that these money grubbers are cutting SS right when I hit retirement age.  Entitlement my ass.  That's something I've paid into my entire working life with NO interest and you're gonna cut me off?  You have not seen wrath yet.  Wait til all those enlightened not rich baby boomers come after you in the night.  They will be the walking dead so be very afraid.

I'm watching Shameless again because I missed a lot the first time.  Love me some Sheila!  Joan Cusack has been a fav of mine from back in her SNL days.  Wickedly funny in an overplayed sort of way, her character defines what women thought they should be in this world during the 50s.  

We got to share two meals at the sawmill today which is kind of unusual  so we jumped on it.  Natalie has a beautiful voice and we sang a couple of Christmas tunes during the weekend.  She'll be singing karaoke here real soon I just betcha.  My friends are driving home from Chicago today and one of them will be planning her Dad's funeral when she gets back.  

I read a piece today about dealing with grieving folks and how the number one bad thing is to say "i know how you feel."  While we think that since we've had a shared experience, it's not fresh and new like it is to them.  Mostly I just listen.

Wasn't that moon fabulous?  Clouds covered it right as I was leaving for work.  There is zero traffic that time of day on Sunday morning except for cops and a few working stiffs.  The Tucker Tire tree is lit and that makes me happy every time I pass.  It's a tradition that has outlived two floods.  

Lily is curled up behind me doing whatever cats do when they groom.  And purring at the same time.  She's aging gracefully I must say, just like her brothers.  

Happy first Sunday in Advent ~

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